Conde Nast schließt das Traditionsreiche Gourmet Magazine

Wie schon einige internationale Medien berichten, will das Verlagshaus Conde Nast eines seiner ältesten Produkte den „Gourmet“ sowie einige weitere Zeitschriften aus dem Verkehr nehmen.

Schade denn, dass Gourmet schaut auf eine lange Tradition zurück und war nicht gerade schwach aufgelegt mit seinen 980 000 Lesern im letzten Jahr.

Presseauszug des SF-Cronicle: Gourmet, revered by many culinary aficionados, was launched in 1941 by Earle R. MacAusland as „the magazine of good living.“ It was known for more than just recipes: It dived into extended discourse about travel, wine and food, such as the 2004 piece in which David Foster Wallace argued against the practice of boiling lobsters to death.

Now, Conde Nast said, Gourmet’s brand will live on in books and TV programming. It also plans to continue publishing Gourmet recipes on

Magazine consultant Martin Walker said closing Gourmet makes financial sense because Bon Appetit should be able to pick up many of the magazine’s subscribers and advertisers. Many advertisers were trending toward food titles with a more affordable sensibility anyway, he said.

As Modern Bride and Elegant Bride close, a third Conde Nast magazine, Brides, will increase its frequency to monthly instead of every two months.

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